Monday 5 August 2013


The last 25 years has seen a steady decline in job opportunities in the fashion and clothing retail industry in Cape Town, leading to the demise of many factories. The inability to compete with the low cost products imported en masse from the East, certainly contributed towards the closure leading to a huge loss of employment. With the dedicated work of AFI, or African Fashion International, the picture has been changed to something far more promising. It promotes the concept of local design and fashion, re-kindling interest in locally made clothes. Cape Town has firmly nestled itself into becoming a world class fashion capital producing the likes of many bright young things. With that said, we are holding our breath for the opening show of the Davids sisters who will be strutting their stuff on the opening night. With almost 30 shows, they must be making a serious impression on the industry, placing African fashion firmly onto the map of global style and design. So start counting the hours for the final countdown.......Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Cape Town launches on Wednesday, guaranteed to spark a new found interest in your fashionable flare! I heard a rumour from the booking site that tickets may just be sold out by now..... So, start queueing for the reserve line if you still wish to get a glimpse of local talent!
Now the only concern is to start planning the outfits... as can be seen from my digital plan below, I hope to spruce up  my rainbow with a Bright Blue Silk from Cambodia and geometric printed pants, or perhaps I will be sporting the concept of monochrome......

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