In the heart of Woodstock, Cape Town, stands a grand old dame who was once rescued from destruction, and lovingly restored to her former glory during 2008. She was given life during 1927, and came close to falling apart. She was beautifully restored with even the Burmese teak windows being stripped down to reveal it's original beauty. Today she accommodates the Bread Boulangerie, Cafe and Deli, proudly sharing space with a Fashion Mall showcasing some of the best of South African design, from fashionable garments to artwork. It is here where I discovered the miraculous Myri dress, the secrets of which will be revealed on this site later on, so keep your eyes fixed to share in the secret in our next post.
The variety of designers include South African master of design, David Tlale, who has a pret a porter range in store. The list include the likes of Leigh Schubert, Ruff Tung, Erre and a multitude of other well known designers. The variety is small but exclusive, allowing the shopper to find something unusual for that special occasion. My previous visit was very brief, and followed by a scrumptious lunch at the boulangerie downstairs, serving a most delicious meal with a hint of Thai spice. The proof is definitely in the pudding here. The Bromwell Mall, a landmark leaving us all in awe, and not be missed if you are in the area. With it's imposing Red colour, it's hard to miss.